AC3D versions

Create 3D models for games, virtual reality, simulation, and other applications
Oct 15, 2023
Dec 11, 2020
Dec 24, 2016
May 24, 2015
Oct 16, 2014
Mar 5, 2014
Jul 10, 2012
Jun 19, 2011
Sep 10, 2010
Mar 16, 2013
Jun 6, 2009
Jul 26, 2008
Editorial review
Mar 14, 2008
Apr 8, 2008
Aug 14, 2008
Aug 7, 2008

What's new

v8.0.80 [Dec 24, 2016]
- Added - widget key binding for clipboard stuff for TCombobox and TSpinbox - fixes copy/paste prob on X-Plane plugin.
- Changed - Mac windows from floating to utility (raise works on those).
- Changed - Mac Hier window - Changed to document type (Bug in Tk where only doc windows work with winfo command and this is needed for mousewheel scrolling).
- Fixed - Mac key bindings for keys that were control shift (workaround Mac Tk bug).
- Added - selection changes via the hierarchy are now undoable.
- Fixed - Material data text was not being displayed.
- Added - Tools->Model-info reports the textures on each object (if textured).
- Changed - spacemouse settings to make them more consistent with newer 3DConnection driver release.
- Updated - obj import plugin (1.51) to handle negative vertex indices.
- Fixed - - Added check for material text widget present before setting text.
- Completed - Linux port of OpenGL stuff.
- Changed - Linux menu font changes with main UI font.
- Changed - Linux default directory for Tools->Create-2D/3D-text is now /usr/share/fonts/truetype.
- Added - command line option '-fullscreen'.
- Fixed - Linux scrollwheel was causing button events for buttons 4 and 5 - now ignored.
- Fixed (non-windows) control shift v for optimize/control v for paste (bug introduced with earlier keybinding changes for Mac).
- Updated - startup tip increments on each start of AC3D.
- Fixed - unsubdivide wasn't working on objects within a group.
- Added - workaround for a known bug in tck/tk where error pops up on empty string in spinbox widget (ttkentry).
- Fixed - Povray exporter 1.41 - camera position in spin mode now takes account of offset origin.

v7.5.2 [May 24, 2015]
added - Object->Fill Holes
added - Surface->Unify Normals
added - Collada export - now adjusts global vertex coords with object_centre and adds translation to object in scene
added - Collada export - transparency and shininess added to materials
added - STL files automatically reoriented on import and export (can switch off using a setting)
added - Edit->select-by-name now supports wildcards ? and *
added - right clicking on a hierarchy node (shown as ' ' or '-') unfolds all children groups.
added - hierarchy state of objects (hidden, locked, folded) is saved to .ac files (can be switched off with setting in File->Settings->files)
added - new 2D objects are oriented for the 2D view in which they are created
added - 2D objects made in the 3d window will now face the viewer
added - ac_set_search_texture_load_callback and ac_set_search_texture_save_callback to plugin interface
changed - changes in ac3dview.tcl - improves compatibility with some non-us locales
changed - removed spaces after commas from KML/Google-earth output.
fixed - help text for Vertex menu
fixed - Texture Coordinate Editor planal mapping (Front/Back/Left/Right/Top/Bottom)
fixed - compatibility with X-Plane plugin

v7.3.4 [Oct 16, 2014]
- Fixed: crash in Milkshape ASCII loader (Linux).
- Fixed: added checks for closed object prior to boolean operations.
- Added: OpenGL Display List (C code) exporter.
- Added: tcl command mipmap_set_nearest: must be called in a tcl script at startup (before textures are used).
- Fixed: LWO import and export for Linux.
- Added: duplicate to hierarchy popup menu: duplicates and object (and any children).
- Added: name to object-data editor from Tools->Hierarchy popup.

v7.0.11 [Jul 10, 2012]
- added - ports of Polymaker plugin compatible with Windows/Mac/Linux
- improved - Polymaker Tcl/Tk user interface including double click to make a poly
- fixed - memory leaks at tcl command interpreter

Alternative downloads

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