v8.0.80 [Dec 24, 2016]
- Added - widget key binding for clipboard stuff for TCombobox and TSpinbox - fixes copy/paste prob on X-Plane plugin.
- Changed - Mac windows from floating to utility (raise works on those).
- Changed - Mac Hier window - Changed to document type (Bug in Tk where only doc windows work with winfo command and this is needed for mousewheel scrolling).
- Fixed - Mac key bindings for keys that were control shift (workaround Mac Tk bug).
- Added - selection changes via the hierarchy are now undoable.
- Fixed - Material data text was not being displayed.
- Added - Tools->Model-info reports the textures on each object (if textured).
- Changed - spacemouse settings to make them more consistent with newer 3DConnection driver release.
- Updated - obj import plugin (1.51) to handle negative vertex indices.
- Fixed - - Added check for material text widget present before setting text.
- Completed - Linux port of OpenGL stuff.
- Changed - Linux menu font changes with main UI font.
- Changed - Linux default directory for Tools->Create-2D/3D-text is now /usr/share/fonts/truetype.
- Added - command line option '-fullscreen'.
- Fixed - Linux scrollwheel was causing button events for buttons 4 and 5 - now ignored.
- Fixed (non-windows) control shift v for optimize/control v for paste (bug introduced with earlier keybinding changes for Mac).
- Updated - startup tip increments on each start of AC3D.
- Fixed - unsubdivide wasn't working on objects within a group.
- Added - workaround for a known bug in tck/tk where error pops up on empty string in spinbox widget (ttkentry).
- Fixed - Povray exporter 1.41 - camera position in spin mode now takes account of offset origin.
v7.5.2 [May 24, 2015]
added - Object->Fill Holes
added - Surface->Unify Normals
added - Collada export - now adjusts global vertex coords with object_centre and adds translation to object in scene
added - Collada export - transparency and shininess added to materials
added - STL files automatically reoriented on import and export (can switch off using a setting)
added - Edit->select-by-name now supports wildcards ? and *
added - right clicking on a hierarchy node (shown as ' ' or '-') unfolds all children groups.
added - hierarchy state of objects (hidden, locked, folded) is saved to .ac files (can be switched off with setting in File->Settings->files)
added - new 2D objects are oriented for the 2D view in which they are created
added - 2D objects made in the 3d window will now face the viewer
added - ac_set_search_texture_load_callback and ac_set_search_texture_save_callback to plugin interface
changed - changes in ac3dview.tcl - improves compatibility with some non-us locales
changed - removed spaces after commas from KML/Google-earth output.
fixed - help text for Vertex menu
fixed - Texture Coordinate Editor planal mapping (Front/Back/Left/Right/Top/Bottom)
fixed - compatibility with X-Plane plugin
v7.3.4 [Oct 16, 2014]
- Fixed: crash in Milkshape ASCII loader (Linux).
- Fixed: added checks for closed object prior to boolean operations.
- Added: OpenGL Display List (C code) exporter.
- Added: tcl command mipmap_set_nearest: must be called in a tcl script at startup (before textures are used).
- Fixed: LWO import and export for Linux.
- Added: duplicate to hierarchy popup menu: duplicates and object (and any children).
- Added: name to object-data editor from Tools->Hierarchy popup.
v7.0.11 [Jul 10, 2012]
- added - ports of Polymaker plugin compatible with Windows/Mac/Linux
- improved - Polymaker Tcl/Tk user interface including double click to make a poly
- fixed - memory leaks at tcl command interpreter