AC3D creates 3D models for games, virtual reality and flight simulation, scientific, medical and general data visualization, rapid prototypes of 3D designs, high resolution 3D renderings, Google Earth, X-Plane, Second Life and much more.
Main Features:
- Fast real-time OpenGL graphics views (2D and 3D) with whiteboard controls for easy navigation
- Multipoint polygon and line editing down to vertex level
- No polygon limits
- Edit at different granularity - groups, objects, surfaces, vertices
- Simple and easy manipulation of selected components
- Powerful mouse selection with add/remove, select through and select closest components
- Surface and vertex loop selection
- Fast subdivision-surfaces with instant switch to view/hide subdivisions
- Extrusion and surface revolution of lines and surfaces
- Built-in fast OpenGL 3D renderer with adjustable field-of-view - instantly see results of your actions in 3D. Spin the model or switch into 'walk mode' for Quake-style control.
- Realtime mirror for symmetrical work
- Six boolean operations: Subtract, Intersect, Union, Cut-Away, Knife, Kife and Cut-away
- Object crease angle support - smooth shapes with sharp edges without the hard work
- Texture mapping support with switchable real-time rendering.
- Switch a view into 'Inspect' mode to instantly see the 'clean' image
- Anti-alias 3D views for smoother images
- Snapshot images into the system clipboard for pasting into other software (Windows, Mac)
- Create new surfaces/objects around any selection (Convex hull)
- Objects can be named and searched for within a scene
- Attach URLs to objects for use in VRML files
- Attach string data to objects can be used as special directives for POV or renderman, or custom software
- Navigate/Zoom around the 2D views with cursor keys and other single key presses
- Hierarchical view window with drag/drop and locking/ hiding controls
- Hide/unhide objects for easier/faster editing of complicated scenes
- Headlight and up to 7 other positionable lights
24-bit colour palette with adjustable diffuse; ambient; emissive; specular; shininess and transparency
- Adjustable 2D and 3D grid guide lines with grid-snap function
- Distances, positions and sizes of selected objects displayed on screen
- Scale a selection to a specific size
- Configurable to use external renderers such as Povray ( Tools->Render )
- Flip a selection about X, Y or Z axis
- Remove duplicate vertices and surfaces ('optimize')
- 3D mouse (3Dconnexion) support e.g. SpaceNavigator
- Multi-platform program - Windows, Linux and Mac OS X
- Fast and memory efficient, compact program binary.
Software development kit and plugin interface.